Yakima Rotary Club Grants

The Yakima Rotary Club has awarded millions of dollars in grants since its founding over a hundred years ago. Countless community members and leaders have entrusted Yakima Rotary to invest their donations to benefit our citizens. We have a rich history of helping those in need that can only be done by our dedicated group of local Rotarians.


Allocation and Review Grants

Each year the Yakima Rotary Club oversees and directs awards to local and international projects funded through Yakima Rotary Charities. Our Allocation & Review Committee reviews each grant request and recommends action to our Board of Directors. The focus of these grants are programs that favor children and quality of life projects, promote startup ideas, help initiate pilot projects, literacy, and projects where local Rotarians can be involved. (guidelines are included as part of the application) Organizations applying for a grant must be a 501(3) non-profit as approved by the Internal Revenue Service. Schools that do not have a 501(c)3 available are also eligible to apply.
Examples of our giving over in the past several years include funding for the Genesis Building mental health rooms for Triumph Treatment Center, Imagination Library for United Way, an Iron Lung Exhibit at the Museum, Community Lending Library for Marcus Whitman Elementary,  After School Drum Camp, a Bikes for Kids Project, and donations to our local food banks.
All requests for funding must be include a completed written application. The current grant application form can be found below. Deadlines for applications are October 1st, February 1st, and May 1st annually.  Notice of awards will generally be provided by end of the respective month – please keep that in mind when choosing your project.


Other Grants

Our Club also funds a major project each year that includes a hands-on component.  While this is not a “grant” that can be applied for, it is a project that makes a significant impact on our community. Over the last several years we have funded and built a new playground at Randall Park,  Franklin Park,  and MLK Jr. Park; funded and built a new Rotary Education Center at Rod’s House, and created a new computer lab, art room and library at the Washington Fruit Community Center.   All three Yakima Rotary Clubs and the Yakima Rotary Trust have partnered to provide funding for the YMCA Rotary Aquatic Center, and The Rotary Marketplace.